印度, 西班牙  和 评级机构。 (通过Sylodium, 全球  导入导出 目录)。

India would need a best rating from international rating agencies,  Fitch, S&P, and Moody's ,  all of them north American, and these three are actually  an oligopoly  and avoiding  to enter other agencies in this market, so they don’t have hardly competence,  further, they are qualifying very badly to some countries, like India or Spain, maybe, although we could be wrong, depending on their own interests. 

 Further, sometimes, like in the past European Crisis, these agencies,  wrongly, qualified with  the best marks to some countries and some banks that finished  few later in bankrupt.

Experts agree in the "needing" of creating control mechanisms for these agencies, to increase transparency in the evaluation process and to get equal access to the information by any investor.

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